Zdravilne vibracije s Sangitamo
Pogosto rečemo, da se nas določena pesem dotakne ali navduši, ko jo poslušamo. Odpremo se frekvencam in sporočilom, ki jih glasba hrani tako, da resonirajo v vseh naših celicah. Med vikendom bomo naredili še korak dlje in raziskovali pesmi in mantre, ki odpirajo naša srca. Njihove besede in melodije vsebujejo zdravilne frekvence, ki se jih naučimo izražati s svojim glasom. Ko vadimo odpiranje glasu, lahko vibracije in naša namera ustvarijo zdravilno polje na energetskih ravneh. Za podporo temu procesu uporabljamo tudi vaje za dvig vibracije in meditacije, da raztopimo blokade in omogočimo, da zdravljenje doseže vse celice v našem telesu.
To je izjemna priložnost, da spoznate in delate s Sangitamo M. Huebner, zdravilka iz Nemčije. Ima bogate izkušnje, več kot 35 letno je delala na OSHO Humaniversity na Nizozemskem, kjer je delala kot terapevt in mentor, vodila HAPI program za zdravljenje odvisnosti in bila pri tem izjemno uspešna. Pri svojem delu uporablja vrsto tehnik, ki jih je v the letih dela z udeleženci izpopolnila. Je izredno tenkočutna in intuitivna. V zadnjem času se posveča raziskovanju zdravilne moči glasbe.
V intimnem prostoru delavnice boste spoznali svoj pravi glas:
Delavnica poteka v objemu dreves, blizu Postojne. Začnemo v petek 30.8 in zaključimo v nedeljo popoldne. Potekala bo v angleščini, s prevodom v slovenščino. Za udeležence je pripravljen program, vegetarijanska hrana in prenočišče v skupni sobi jurte. Na željo pa lahko v vasi rezerviramo sobo.
Za prijave in informacije [email protected]
Terapija S Sangitamo
Na terapiji prejmete odkrijete povezave med telesnimi simptomi in njihovim sporočilom za vas. Ti pogosto skozi telo izražajo notranje konflikte, ki jih je treba prepoznati. Ko to razumemo lahko uredimo svoje življenje in ustvarimo ljubeč odnos do sebe ter najdemo ustrezne rešitve za reševanje konfliktov. Uporabljamo mišično testiranje, energijsko metodo*, ki po mojih izkušnjah pokaže temeljne dejavnike stresa, povezane s temi simptomi ali neravnovesji.
*Metoda spada v izkustveno medicino. Učinek ni dokazan v znanstvenem smislu akademske medicine z randomiziranimi, s placebom nadzorovanimi dvojno slepimi študijami.
Za individualne seanse se obrnite neposredno na Sangitamo: [email protected] izvaja se v Postojni
To je izjemna priložnost, da spoznate in delate s Sangitamo M. Huebner, zdravilka iz Nemčije. Ima bogate izkušnje, več kot 35 letno je delala na OSHO Humaniversity na Nizozemskem, kjer je delala kot terapevt in mentor, vodila HAPI program za zdravljenje odvisnosti in bila pri tem izjemno uspešna. Pri svojem delu uporablja vrsto tehnik, ki jih je v the letih dela z udeleženci izpopolnila. Je izredno tenkočutna in intuitivna. V zadnjem času se posveča raziskovanju zdravilne moči glasbe.
V intimnem prostoru delavnice boste spoznali svoj pravi glas:
- naredili povezavo med srcem in vašim glasom,
- se učili pesmi, ki dvignejo energijo in dobro voljo,
- predavanje o povezavi med glasbo in zdravljenjem,
- naučili se bomo meditacije Zdravilne vibracije, kombinacija gest, ozaveščanja čustev, zdravilne manter, tapkanje, tišina, deljenje izkušnje, samorefleksija
- odprli prostor za ustvarjalnost, glasbo, petje, poezijo in risanje
- ustvarili bomo prostor za dotike
Delavnica poteka v objemu dreves, blizu Postojne. Začnemo v petek 30.8 in zaključimo v nedeljo popoldne. Potekala bo v angleščini, s prevodom v slovenščino. Za udeležence je pripravljen program, vegetarijanska hrana in prenočišče v skupni sobi jurte. Na željo pa lahko v vasi rezerviramo sobo.
Za prijave in informacije [email protected]
Terapija S Sangitamo
Na terapiji prejmete odkrijete povezave med telesnimi simptomi in njihovim sporočilom za vas. Ti pogosto skozi telo izražajo notranje konflikte, ki jih je treba prepoznati. Ko to razumemo lahko uredimo svoje življenje in ustvarimo ljubeč odnos do sebe ter najdemo ustrezne rešitve za reševanje konfliktov. Uporabljamo mišično testiranje, energijsko metodo*, ki po mojih izkušnjah pokaže temeljne dejavnike stresa, povezane s temi simptomi ali neravnovesji.
*Metoda spada v izkustveno medicino. Učinek ni dokazan v znanstvenem smislu akademske medicine z randomiziranimi, s placebom nadzorovanimi dvojno slepimi študijami.
Za individualne seanse se obrnite neposredno na Sangitamo: [email protected] izvaja se v Postojni
(Delavnica poteka v angleščini in bo prevajana. Slovenski opis v nadaljevanju)
30.8.24 - 1.9.24
Often, we say that we get “touched” or “enthusiastic” when we listen to a song. It may even become an “ear worm” which we keep hearing involuntarily. In my experience we open up to the frequencies and messages that is held within this song, so that it resonates in all our cells. During this weekend we go a step further and explore songs and mantras, which open our hearts. Their words and melodies contain healing frequencies that we learn to express through our voice. As we practice to open our voice, the vibrations and our intent may create healing fields on energetic levels. To support this process, we also use gently body vibration exercises and meditations to dissolve blockages and let the healing reach every cell in our body.
This weekend you
The workshop is lead by Sangitama M. Huebner, who is a healing practitioner from Germany. She has the vast experience of working for more that 35 years with people at the Humaniversity Netherlands, and is a Humaniversity Therapist and Mentor.
Workshop will be held in English and translated in Slovenian. Participants are invited to sleep on the premises, in the yurt in shared room and bring their own sleeping bag or rent a room close by. During workshop vegetarian food and snacks are provided.
All enquires and information you can reach me on [email protected]
More about Sangitama: Presently she explores the healing power of music and meditation. She creates online and live singing circles for healing purposes (energetic healing, forgiveness, gratitude or farewell). Her passion is to support people to overcome their shyness and shame, and get a taste of the freedom that comes through authenticity. During her workshops she integrates methods of kinesiology, healing singing, Humaniversity Social Meditations as well as other meditations, body streaming (vibrational body work), touch and massage.
Individual Sessions with Sangitama – Psychokinesiology
You receive guidance to explore the connection between physical symptoms and their message for us. These often express through the body inner conflicts, which needs to be seen. Based on this understanding we are now able to correct our lives and create a loving attitude and approach towards ourselves and the conflict-solving solutions. We use muscle testing, an energetic method*, that in my experience shows the underlying stress factors connected to those symptoms or imbalances.
*My method belongs to the experiential medicine. The effect is not proven in a scientific sense of academic medicine with randomised, placebo-controlled double-blind studies.
For individual sessions contact directly Sangitama: [email protected]
(Delavnica poteka v angleščini in bo prevajana. Slovenski opis v nadaljevanju)
30.8.24 - 1.9.24
Often, we say that we get “touched” or “enthusiastic” when we listen to a song. It may even become an “ear worm” which we keep hearing involuntarily. In my experience we open up to the frequencies and messages that is held within this song, so that it resonates in all our cells. During this weekend we go a step further and explore songs and mantras, which open our hearts. Their words and melodies contain healing frequencies that we learn to express through our voice. As we practice to open our voice, the vibrations and our intent may create healing fields on energetic levels. To support this process, we also use gently body vibration exercises and meditations to dissolve blockages and let the healing reach every cell in our body.
This weekend you
- make a connection to your heart-felt voice
- practice songs that elevate your mood and energetic levels
- receive a seminar about the connection between music and healing
- learn the “healing vibrations meditation”, a combination of movement, emotional awareness, healing mantras, tapping, silence, sharing, self reflection.
- have open space for creativity: music and singing, poetry, drawings
- make a cuddle corner
The workshop is lead by Sangitama M. Huebner, who is a healing practitioner from Germany. She has the vast experience of working for more that 35 years with people at the Humaniversity Netherlands, and is a Humaniversity Therapist and Mentor.
Workshop will be held in English and translated in Slovenian. Participants are invited to sleep on the premises, in the yurt in shared room and bring their own sleeping bag or rent a room close by. During workshop vegetarian food and snacks are provided.
All enquires and information you can reach me on [email protected]
More about Sangitama: Presently she explores the healing power of music and meditation. She creates online and live singing circles for healing purposes (energetic healing, forgiveness, gratitude or farewell). Her passion is to support people to overcome their shyness and shame, and get a taste of the freedom that comes through authenticity. During her workshops she integrates methods of kinesiology, healing singing, Humaniversity Social Meditations as well as other meditations, body streaming (vibrational body work), touch and massage.
Individual Sessions with Sangitama – Psychokinesiology
You receive guidance to explore the connection between physical symptoms and their message for us. These often express through the body inner conflicts, which needs to be seen. Based on this understanding we are now able to correct our lives and create a loving attitude and approach towards ourselves and the conflict-solving solutions. We use muscle testing, an energetic method*, that in my experience shows the underlying stress factors connected to those symptoms or imbalances.
*My method belongs to the experiential medicine. The effect is not proven in a scientific sense of academic medicine with randomised, placebo-controlled double-blind studies.
For individual sessions contact directly Sangitama: [email protected]